The world famous, refined and appreciated cannabis strain – Black Domina from 1998 is now available in feminized version and breeded by G13 Labs Seeds. Double Black, because this is how its called, got all the morphological and organoleptic characteristics that have made Black Domina ’98 famous. This 90% stable and 100% cash cropping plant is perfect for new and experienced cultivators. This Hybrid has compact size, quick flowering period and potential which would make her a valuable mother plant. Double Black is fully covered with Afghan resin crystals which gives sweet and intoxicating aroma and flavour.
All seeds sold are strictly considered for collection and/or preservation purposes only, to preserve valuable genetics in case the laws change. Hipersemillas SLu does not want to induce anyone to act in conflict with the law and cannot be held responsible for those who do.
Hipersemillas, SLU
C./Polaris 18
11207 Algeciras (Cádiz)